Thousands marched in the streets of Paris on Sunday to show their support for a pending same-sex marriage bill that lawmakers will debate on Tuesday.
Demonstrators were fervent in their support for the bill—they were waving banners with phrases like “Equality of rights is not a threat” and perpetually chanted: ...
After being told by her parents she would not be allowed to continue her pregnancy to term, a teenager is suing for the right to have her baby. Both pro-life and pro-choice advocates have expressed dismay over the situation in Texas, in which the 16 year old girl's mother and father allegedly used threats and coercion to attempt ...
One of the most controversial provisions of the new Affordable Care Act legislation (commonly known as Obamacare) is its requirement for insurance companies and employers to provide contraceptive coverage as part of health insurance plans. According to the rules set forth in the Affordable Care Act, preventative women's health ...
As of 2013, women in all five branches of the United States military will be allowed to officially serve in combat roles and be paid accordingly. Last year, several women's organizations filed lawsuits over Department of Defense policies that continued to forbid women from being considered combat troops.
In total, approximately ...
American workers have had the ability to sue for harassment based on race or gender for decades now. However, questions remain about how much culpability employers can have for the conduct of the employees working for them. A new court case, Vance v. Ball State University, will put these questions to the test in next ...
The 2012 election cycle was as good as it's ever gotten for women in United States politics. Issues relevant to women were at the forefront for much of the election cycle, and more women were elected to both houses of Congress than ever before in the nation's history.
Women's issues became hot button topics ...
When Hillary Clinton became pregnant with her daughter Chelsea, she had no idea that one day they would live in the White House. At that time, Hillary was the only female partner working for her law firm—in fact, the first female partner the firm had ever had.
At a recent State Department event to celebrate ...
When Justice Sandra Day O'Connor retired in 2005, she left room for a new swing vote to be nominated who could change affirmative action policy in the United States. Since O'Connor was replaced with the conservative Samuel Alito, Abigail Fisher's case against the University of Texas Austin may change how affirmative ...
The glass ceiling can take many forms. In some cases, it's easy to see—when women aren't allowed into educational institutions, for example, or aren't given interviews for particular types of jobs. Law schools no longer bar women from entering (in fact, many law schools today now admit a majority ...
Not all women who arrive at abortion clinics are able to obtain the abortions they are seeking. Because there are strict gestational age limits in place at the vast majority of abortion clinics throughout the United States, some women are told that their pregnancies are too advanced to be aborted and are turned away.
The ...